Ako ste zainteresirani da nas kontaktirate poradi informacija, intervjua, organizacije koncerata ili bilo čega drugog, ovdje dolje su adresa i kontakt telefoni, a možete nas direktno kontaktirati sa sajta ako ispunite ovu formu!
     losprimjer.com -> contact

On the address, phone and e-mail add bellow, you can make or get any kind of co-operation or information you want. Here's also quick form, the fastest way to ask us a question. So fill the form and wait for our answers or contact us through the regular mail, e-mail, sms or phone. We don't bite, so don't hesistate if you're really interested, all mails will be answered for sure.

Loš Primjer
c/o Denis Treskanica - Dena
Požeška 12
34322 Brestovac

e-mail: info@losprimjer.com*
tel. +385(0)34/291-081
mob. +385(0)98/9889509*

* use these contacts only for getting infos about the band, site, records, show bookings, interviews or distribution offers. Thanx!
pitanje / question